Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd.
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    Yolanda Wu

    Teléfono:   +86-17826810295

    Teléfono fijo:   +86-0573-80886076

    Correo electrónico: [email protected]

  • 2
    Jane shen

    Teléfono:  +86-13567361131

    Teléfono fijo:   +86-0573-80886076

    Correo electrónico:   [email protected]

  • 3
    Vivina wu

    Teléfono:   +86-18358323481

    Teléfono fijo:   +86-0573-80886076

    Correo electrónico:   [email protected]

  • 4

    Teléfono:   +86-15067393197

    Teléfono fijo:   +86-0573-80886076

    Correo electrónico:   [email protected]

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    Teléfono:   +86-15824368103

    Teléfono fijo:   +86-0573-80886076

    Correo electrónico:   [email protected]

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La compañía ha importado máquinas compuestas, máquinas de estampado, máquinas de cepillado, máquinas de bronceado, máquinas de laminado y máquinas de recorte, y tiene una sólida producción de productos y capacidades de suministro de productos terminados.

  • Sofá 100% Poliéster Tejido Terciopelo Holanda

    Sofá 100% Poliéster La tela de terciopelo Holland está hecha íntegramente de fibras de poliéster. El poliéster es una fibra sintética duradera y resistente a las arrugas. El terciopelo holandés es un tejido fino. Los tejidos de terciopelo de Holanda tienen una gran calidez y comodidad. Los tejidos 100 % poliéster suelen ser fáciles de cuidar y lavar. Tienden a no requerir cuidados especiales y se pueden lavar a máquina y secar en secadora a temperatura baja para mantenerlos limpios y con buen aspecto. La tela de terciopelo 100% poliéster para sofá Holland tiene una alta durabilidad y resistencia a la abrasión. Puede resistir la prueba del uso y la limpieza diarios, y mantener una larga vida útil.

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  • Sofá 100% poliéster tela de terciopelo falso

    Esta tela de terciopelo falso liso para sofá 100% poliéster es una opción de alta calidad que le brinda una solución de decoración para el hogar cómoda y duradera, y su estilo de diseño minimalista y textura suave hacen que combine con una variedad de estilos de decoración de interiores, ya sean modernos o tradicionales, puede agregar un toque de elegancia y sofisticación a los espacios. Está hecho de fibra de poliéster de alta calidad, que tiene una excelente durabilidad y propiedades antiarrugas, lo que garantiza una larga vida útil. Al mismo tiempo, la tela de terciopelo falso es suave y cómoda, brinda a las personas una sensación cálida y cómoda, y tiene una excelente retención de color, que no se desvanece ni se desvanece fácilmente, por lo que puede mantener una apariencia brillante después de años de uso.

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  • Sofá 100% Poliéster Tela Imitación Algodón Terciopelo

    Una tela de terciopelo de algodón de imitación de sofá 100% poliéster está diseñada para imitar la apariencia y la textura del terciopelo de algodón, pero está hecha completamente de fibras de poliéster. La tela de terciopelo de algodón de imitación, como sugiere el nombre, tiene como objetivo replicar la apariencia del terciopelo de algodón. El terciopelo de algodón es una tela afelpada hecha de una combinación de fibras de algodón y rayón, conocida por su suavidad, profundidad de color y apariencia brillante. Sin embargo, las telas de imitación de poliéster pueden proporcionar una estética similar a un precio más asequible. El poliéster es una fibra sintética conocida por su durabilidad, resistencia a las arrugas, fácil mantenimiento y resistencia a las manchas y la decoloración.

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  • Tela de gamuza bronceadora para sofá 100% poliéster

    El bronceado se refiere a una técnica decorativa en la que se aplican acentos metálicos o brillantes a la tela. En el caso de una tela de gamuza bronceada, se incorporan detalles metálicos en la textura similar a la gamuza, lo que agrega un toque de brillo e interés visual a la tela. Una tela de gamuza bronceadora de sofá 100% poliéster es una sensación y apariencia lujosas. Si bien es posible que no tengan exactamente la misma textura y transpirabilidad que la gamuza real, las telas de gamuza de poliéster pueden brindar una estética y durabilidad similares a un precio más asequible.

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  • Sofá 100% poliéster Chenille Fabric

    Una tela de chenilla para sofá 100% poliéster está hecha completamente de fibras de poliéster y tiene una superficie suave y texturizada debido a su construcción de chenilla. Chenille se refiere a un tipo de tejido que se caracteriza por su textura difusa y aterciopelada. Se crea tejiendo trozos cortos de hilo sobre una base de tela, lo que da como resultado una superficie de pelo elevada. Las telas Chenille tienen una apariencia lujosa y una sensación suave al tacto. Un tejido de chenilla 100% poliéster es duradero y fácil de cuidar, combinado con la textura afelpada de la chenilla. Puede proporcionar una sensación acogedora y atractiva a un sofá, haciéndolo cómodo para descansar y relajarse.

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  • 100% Poliéster Sofá Mosha tejido terciopelo

    El terciopelo Mosha es un tipo de tela de terciopelo con un aspecto lujoso y afelpado. Por lo general, tiene una pila corta y densa que le da una textura suave y aterciopelada. El terciopelo Mosha es conocido por su durabilidad y resistencia al desgaste. La tela de terciopelo 100% Poliéster Sofá Mosha tendría un aspecto rico y elegante, gracias al brillo y la suavidad característicos del terciopelo. Puede agregar un toque de lujo y sofisticación a su espacio vital. La tela de terciopelo Mosha proporciona una cómoda experiencia de asiento. Su textura lujosa ofrece una sensación suave y acogedora, lo que hace que el sofá sea atractivo y cómodo para descansar o sentarse durante períodos prolongados.

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Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Sobre nosotros

Una empresa que fabrica y vende telas.

Fabricantes de telas para sofás 100% poliéster y fábrica de telas para tapicería de sofás/sofás en China.

Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co. Ltd. se encuentra en la ciudad de Tongxiang, ciudad de Jiaxing, provincia de Zhejiang. es una empresa industrial y comercial que integra la producción y venta de telas.
La empresa ha importado máquinas compuestas. Máquinas de estampado, máquinas de cepillado, máquinas de bronceado, máquinas de bobinado, máquinas de recorte, y tiene una fuerte producción de productos y capacidades de suministro de productos terminados. Además. Royal Textile tiene derecho a importar y exportar de forma independiente. haciendo que los productos de la empresa se exporten a todo el mundo. La empresa se dedica principalmente a todo tipo de tejidos de punto por urdimbre y sus productos se venden principalmente a Colombia, Brasil, México, África, Polonia, Turquía y otras partes del mundo.

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  • 2016

    Estableció Tongxiang Gloeies Textile Co., Ltd. y comenzó a vender productos de punto por urdimbre.

  • 2018

    Estableció Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. con su fábrica de siestas.

  • 2020

    Basándonos en el original, hemos añadido fábricas de compuestos y estampado en caliente para ampliar aún más la escala.

  • 2022

    Nuestras ventas de producción alcanzaron los 80 millones de RMB.

  • 2023

    La empresa se mudó al área urbana de Tongxiang, con un área de oficinas de 2000 metros cuadrados, y el equipo de ventas se amplió aún más.

¿Por qué elegirnos?

  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

    Contamos con un sólido equipo de I+D que puede desarrollar y producir productos de acuerdo con las muestras proporcionadas por los clientes.

  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

    Tenemos nuestra propia fábrica de compuestos, fábrica de bronceado y fábrica de impresión, ventas directas de fábrica, alta calidad y bajo precio.

  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

    Tenemos nuestro propio laboratorio y el equipo de prueba avanzado therhost en la industria para garantizar la calidad del producto.

  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

    Tenemos una empresa de logística cooperativa a largo plazo.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 05,02,2025

    How does the weight and thickness of polyester Holland velvet fabric affect the overall structure and stability of a sofa?

    The weight and thickness of polyester Holland velvet fabric play a significant role in the overall structure and stability of a sofa, influencing both its aesthetic appeal and functional performance. Here’s how these factors come into play: Impact on Sofa Shape and Structure:Thicker fabric: Polyester Holland velvet that is thicker tends to provide more structure and firmness to the sofa. This can help the fabric hold its shape over time, preventing sagging or shifting, which is especially important for sofas with structured designs. Thicker fabric offers more support to the upholstery, helping it maintain its intended silhouette and reduce the risk of stretching or warping.Weightier fabric: A heavier polyester Holland velvet can contribute to a more substantial feel in the sofa, giving it a luxurious, sturdy presence. This weight adds to the overall stability, preventing the fabric from shifting or loosening with use. Comfort and Durability:Thickness and comfort: The thickness of the fabric affects how comfortable the sofa feels. Thicker fabrics generally offer more padded or cushioned support, as they add a layer of softness and plushness. This can enhance the seating experience, especially if paired with high-quality foam or other cushioning materials underneath.Durability and resilience: The weight and thickness of polyester Holland velvet can also contribute to its durability. Thicker, heavier fabrics are generally more resilient to wear and tear, which is crucial for maintaining the appearance of the sofa in high-traffic areas. The fabric is less likely to pill, fade, or stretch over time, ensuring the sofa remains in good condition for a longer period. Upholstery Tension and Fitting:Tension on the frame: Heavier or thicker fabrics require more tension when being upholstered onto a sofa frame. If the fabric is too thick or heavy for the frame or foam beneath, it could affect how the fabric stretches over the structure, potentially resulting in an uneven fit or difficulty in achieving a tight, smooth finish.Fabric stretching: Polyester Holland velvet fabric, while durable, still needs to be properly stretched and fitted to avoid becoming loose or wrinkled over time. If the fabric is too thin or lightweight, it could sag more quickly, while overly thick or heavy fabric might make it difficult to achieve a smooth, taut finish. Aesthetic and Visual Effect:Visual impact: Thicker polyester Holland velvet creates a fuller, more opulent appearance on a sofa. The luxurious texture of the fabric becomes more pronounced, contributing to the sofa's high-end look. This also enhances the shiny, reflective quality of velvet, which is more noticeable in thicker fabrics.Dimensionality: Thicker and heavier fabric can lend itself better to rich folds, pleats, and detailing on the sofa, adding depth and a three-dimensional aesthetic to the design. This can be especially valuable for traditional or luxury sofa designs that require a fabric with structure to create defined features. Maintenance and Wear Over Time:Impact on longevity: The thickness and weight of polyester Holland velvet can contribute to how the fabric holds up against dirt, stains, and fading. Heavier fabrics are generally more resistant to abrasion and daily wear than thinner, lighter fabrics. However, while thick fabric may last longer, it may also require more care when cleaning or maintaining its appearance to avoid flattening the pile or damaging the fibers. Cushion and Upholstery Fit:Cushion fill compatibility: The weight and thickness of the fabric need to be taken into account when choosing the type of cushioning underneath. Thicker fabrics may work better with firmer cushions or those that don’t compress easily, while lighter fabrics may pair well with more flexible or softer fillings. This ensures that the fabric doesn’t distort the appearance of the cushions, and both fabric and filling complement each other in terms of structure and stability. Effect on Sofa’s Flexibility:Softness and flexibility: If the fabric is too heavy, it might make the sofa feel more rigid, especially in terms of how it moves or adjusts with use. This can make the sofa less flexible and comfortable for lounging, especially if the sofa requires more movement (e.g., a sectional sofa).Lightweight options: Conversely, a thinner or lighter fabric might allow for more flexibility in the sofa's design, making it easier to upholster on softer cushions or creating a more relaxed seating experience.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 01,02,2025

    How does polyester sofa bronzing holland velvet fabric perform in terms of stretch and recovery?

    Polyester Sofa Bronzing Holland Velvet Fabric generally performs well in terms of stretch and recovery, making it a suitable option for furniture upholstery. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of its performance: Stretch Resistance: Polyester fabric, including the Bronzing Holland Velvet variety, is known for its low stretch characteristics. It retains its shape and structure well under normal use, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the upholstery over time. While the fabric may show some slight give under extreme force, it generally resists significant stretching, ensuring that the furniture doesn’t lose its form easily. Recovery: Polyester is highly resilient, meaning it has excellent recovery properties. After being stretched or compressed (such as when a person sits on a sofa), the fabric tends to return to its original shape and smoothness. This is especially important for maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the furniture, as the fabric doesn’t sag or wrinkle easily. The bronzing treatment applied to the fabric may enhance its surface appearance, ensuring that the smooth, luxurious look is retained even after repeated use. Dimensional Stability: Polyester’s inherent dimensional stability allows it to maintain its structure over time. Unlike some natural fibers, which can lose their shape and stretch out with use, Polyester Sofa Bronzing Holland Velvet Fabric stays stable, helping it keep its sleek, refined appearance. This is particularly useful in high-contact areas like armrests or seat cushions, where consistent recovery ensures long-lasting comfort and aesthetic appeal. Suitability for Furniture: Because of its minimal stretch and excellent recovery, this fabric is ideal for furniture upholstery that needs to maintain a crisp, taut look without sagging or losing shape. It helps keep the cushions and fabric tight, reducing the need for frequent adjustments. Impact of Use: While polyester is resilient, over time and with heavy use, there may be slight changes in how the fabric responds to stretch, especially in areas where pressure is constantly applied. However, in general, Polyester Sofa Bronzing Holland Velvet holds up well under normal wear, showing minimal stretching and recovering quickly after being compressed.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 24,01,2025

    What are the key advantages of using Polyester Sofa Bronzing Holland Velvet Fabric in terms of maintenance and cleaning?

    The key advantages of using Polyester Sofa Bronzing Holland Velvet Fabric in terms of maintenance and cleaning are significant, making it an ideal choice for furniture upholstery, especially for high-use environments. Here's a more detailed overview: Stain Resistance: Polyester is inherently resistant to stains, as it has a smooth surface that doesn’t easily absorb liquids or dirt. This makes cleaning much easier and quicker. Spills can be wiped away without penetrating deep into the fibers, reducing the need for intensive cleaning efforts. Durability: Polyester fabrics are known for their robustness and longevity. They can endure regular cleaning without losing their shape or texture, making them suitable for high-traffic furniture like sofas. This durability means fewer fabric replacements or repairs, leading to long-term savings. Easy to Clean: Unlike many natural fibers, polyester fabric is typically machine washable or can be cleaned using simple household cleaning products. The fabric doesn’t require specialized care, such as dry cleaning, which makes it easier to maintain in everyday living environments. Color Retention: The bronzing treatment applied to Polyester Sofa Bronzing Holland Velvet Fabric enhances its color vibrancy. Polyester is resistant to fading, ensuring that the fabric retains its rich color even after repeated cleaning. This is particularly beneficial in environments with sunlight exposure or when frequent cleaning is necessary. Mildew and Moisture Resistance: Polyester is a synthetic fiber that doesn’t retain moisture, making it resistant to mildew and mold growth. This helps maintain the fabric’s appearance and structural integrity, even in humid or damp conditions. It also means less frequent cleaning is needed to remove moisture-related stains or issues. Wrinkle Resistance: Polyester is naturally resistant to wrinkles, and this property is further enhanced in the Bronzing Holland Velvet variety. The fabric holds its shape, reducing the need for ironing or steaming. This is especially convenient for busy households or commercial settings where maintenance time is limited. Non-Shedding: Unlike some other velvet fabrics, which may shed fibers over time, Polyester Sofa Bronzing Holland Velvet does not have this issue. This prevents the buildup of loose fibers around the furniture, making it easier to keep the area clean and free from lint or fuzz. Quick-Drying: Polyester fabric dries much faster compared to natural fabrics like cotton or linen. After cleaning or washing, the fabric will dry quickly, allowing the sofa to be used again with minimal downtime. This is a valuable feature for both home and commercial settings where quick turnaround times are important. Resistance to Abrasion: The polyester fibers used in this fabric are resistant to abrasion, meaning they won’t fray or wear down easily with regular use. This ensures the fabric maintains its smooth texture and luxurious appearance for a long time, even under heavy use. Easy Spot Cleaning: For minor spills or stains, polyester fabric allows for easy spot cleaning without requiring a full wash. Simple methods like blotting with a damp cloth or using a mild detergent are often sufficient to keep the fabric looking fresh.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 17,01,2025

    What are the sustainability considerations in the production of 100% polyester Holland velvet?

    Sustainability considerations in the production of 100% polyester Holland velvet fabric are becoming increasingly important as both manufacturers and consumers seek more eco-friendly solutions. Polyester, being a synthetic fiber, has certain challenges when it comes to sustainability, but there are also several ways to improve its environmental footprint. Here are the key sustainability considerations: 1. Use of Recycled Polyester (rPET):Recycling: One of the most significant ways to make 100% polyester sofa holland velvet fabric more sustainable is by using recycled polyester (rPET), which is made from post-consumer plastic bottles or post-industrial polyester waste. rPET helps reduce reliance on virgin petrochemical-based polyester and diverts plastic waste from landfills.Energy Savings: The production of recycled polyester generally requires less energy compared to manufacturing virgin polyester, which helps reduce the overall carbon footprint of the fabric. 2. Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Processes:Renewable Energy: Manufacturers can adopt renewable energy sources (e.g., solar or wind power) in their production processes, significantly lowering carbon emissions. Some textile factories are increasingly investing in green energy to power dyeing, finishing, and weaving machinery.Low-Impact Dyeing: Traditional dyeing methods often consume large amounts of water and chemicals. Waterless dyeing technologies, such as CO2 dyeing and digital printing, are being adopted in some cases, reducing water usage and chemical waste. 3. Water Conservation:Efficient Dyeing Techniques: Polyester fabrics like Holland velvet are often dyed using methods that require significant amounts of water. Adopting more water-efficient dyeing techniques like air dyeing or using dyeing machines that recycle water can help mitigate this issue.Closed-Loop Systems: Many manufacturers are adopting closed-loop systems in their dyeing processes, where water is filtered, treated, and reused, drastically reducing the consumption of fresh water. 4. Chemical Management:OEKO-TEX Certification: Many manufacturers are seeking certification from standards like OEKO-TEX Standard 100, which ensures that the fabric has been tested for harmful chemicals and is free from substances that could be harmful to human health or the environment.Eco-Friendly Dyes and Finishes: To improve sustainability, manufacturers can use low-impact dyes that require less water and energy. They can also opt for eco-friendly finishes, such as those that enhance durability without relying on harmful chemicals like formaldehyde. 5. Sustainable Fiber Sourcing:Petroleum-Based Polyester: Traditional polyester is made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource, which makes it inherently less sustainable. However, some manufacturers are researching alternative bio-based polyester fibers made from renewable resources like sugarcane or corn. Though these options are still emerging, they offer potential for reducing the environmental impact of polyester production. 6. Improved Durability:Longevity and Durability: The longer a fabric lasts, the less frequently it needs to be replaced, which ultimately reduces its environmental impact. 100% polyester Holland velvet is known for its durability, which can be seen as an eco-friendly advantage. The fabric’s ability to resist wear, fading, and pilling helps extend its life cycle, reducing waste and the need for frequent replacements.Low Maintenance: Polyester fabrics tend to require less maintenance, such as fewer washes, than natural fibers, which can be water- and energy-intensive. This aspect of polyester can contribute to its overall sustainability when used in home furnishings like sofas. 7. Waste Reduction in Manufacturing:Efficient Cutting and Production: Manufacturers are increasingly using automated cutting technologies and zero-waste practices to reduce the amount of fabric waste during production. Scrap fabric from cutting can be recycled into new products or used for other purposes, such as creating upholstery padding or insulation.On-Demand Production: On-demand production and small batch manufacturing can help reduce overproduction, which is a significant contributor to textile waste in the industry. 8. Recycling of Polyester Fabrics:Post-Consumer Recycling: End-of-life polyester fabrics, including 100% polyester Holland velvet, can often be recycled into new polyester fibers, though this process is not yet widespread. Manufacturers are exploring ways to improve the recycling rate of polyester fabrics, as polyester can technically be recycled indefinitely.Closed-Loop Recycling: Companies are working on closed-loop recycling systems, where old polyester garments or furniture upholstery are collected, cleaned, and transformed into new polyester fabric, reducing the need for virgin polyester. 9. Reduced Carbon Footprint in Transportation:Local Sourcing and Production: To reduce transportation emissions, some manufacturers are focusing on sourcing and producing 100% polyester Holland velvet fabrics locally or regionally. This minimizes the carbon footprint associated with long-distance shipping of raw materials and finished products.Efficient Logistics: Streamlined supply chains and eco-friendly transportation methods, such as electric or hybrid vehicles, also contribute to reducing the environmental impact of moving materials and finished products. 10. End-of-Life Considerations:Upcycling and Repurposing: As 100% polyester Holland velvet is durable and retains a high-quality appearance for a long time, the fabric can often be upcycled or repurposed into new products at the end of its life cycle. This might include turning it into recycled fabrics, home textiles, or other items to prevent waste.Biodegradability: Although polyester is not biodegradable, efforts are being made to create biodegradable polyester using plant-based materials. While not yet a mainstream solution, this could provide a more sustainable alternative to traditional polyester fabrics in the future. 11. Eco-Friendly Packaging:Many fabric manufacturers are shifting towards sustainable packaging materials, such as recyclable cardboard or biodegradable plastic bags, to further reduce their environmental footprint. Sustainable packaging ensures that the fabric itself is part of an overall eco-friendly supply chain. 12. Consumer Awareness and Demand:Sustainability-Driven Purchasing: As consumers become more environmentally conscious, the demand for sustainable textiles is growing. Manufacturers producing 100% polyester Holland velvet fabrics can cater to this demand by offering eco-friendly options and highlighting their sustainable production practices in marketing efforts.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 09,01,2025

    How does the embossing process affect the overall appearance and feel of 100% polyester chenille fabric?

    The embossing process plays a crucial role in shaping the overall appearance and feel of 100% polyester sofa embossed chenille fabric, transforming it into a visually appealing and tactilely engaging material suitable for high-end upholstery. Embossing involves applying heat and pressure to the fabric to create raised or textured patterns. This technique not only enhances the visual depth of the fabric but also adds an extra layer of complexity to its surface. As a result, the fabric takes on a three-dimensional quality that can mimic various textures, ranging from subtle patterns to bold, intricate designs. One of the primary benefits of embossing 100% polyester sofa embossed chenille fabric is its ability to bring out the intricate design details that might otherwise be overlooked. For instance, floral, geometric, or damask patterns become more pronounced, adding sophistication and elegance to the upholstery. These patterns give the fabric a tactile appeal that makes the sofa more inviting and engaging to touch. The raised areas can also catch and reflect light in different ways, further emphasizing the design and creating a dynamic visual effect. This interplay of light and shadow gives the fabric an added layer of depth, making it more visually stimulating compared to flat-textured fabrics. Beyond its visual impact, embossing also enhances the feel of the fabric. The raised textures provide a slight, but noticeable, tactile experience that can make sitting on the sofa feel more luxurious and comfortable. The soft, plush texture of the chenille is maintained, but the embossing adds an extra dimension, making it more engaging to the touch. This tactile quality can make the fabric feel more inviting and cozy, which is especially desirable in sofa upholstery, where comfort is a top priority. The embossing process also impacts the durability and wear of 100% polyester sofa embossed chenille fabric. The raised patterns can add a level of abrasion resistance to the surface, reducing the likelihood of the fabric showing wear from regular use. However, depending on the complexity of the pattern and the weight of the fabric, more intricate embossed designs may be prone to showing signs of wear over time. It’s important to balance aesthetic preferences with the practical aspects of fabric longevity, ensuring that the embossed design is not too delicate for high-traffic areas. Embossing can enhance the fabric's ability to hold dye, resulting in more vibrant and uniform color patterns that remain consistent even after repeated cleaning. The raised patterns help hold the dye better in place, creating a more rich and durable finish compared to non-embossed polyester fabrics. The embossing process significantly elevates the aesthetic and tactile qualities of 100% polyester sofa embossed chenille fabric, making it a luxurious and versatile choice for premium upholstery. The combination of visual depth, texture, and comfort makes it an excellent option for creating high-end, durable, and visually striking sofas.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 02,01,2025

    How sustainable is the production process for 100% polyester bronzing suede fabric?

    The sustainability of the production process for 100% polyester bronzing suede fabric depends on several key factors related to both the material itself and the bronzing technique used. Here's an overview of the sustainability considerations: Polyester ProductionMaterial Source:Petroleum-based: Traditional polyester is derived from petroleum-based resources, which contributes to the environmental footprint. However, recycled polyester (rPET), made from post-consumer plastic bottles or industrial waste, offers a more sustainable alternative. The use of rPET helps reduce waste and reliance on virgin polyester.Energy Consumption:Polyester production, particularly when using virgin materials, can be energy-intensive. However, advances in manufacturing technologies have led to more energy-efficient methods, including the use of renewable energy in production processes. Bronzing ProcessChemical Usage:The bronzing process involves applying a metallic coating (often involving chemical treatments) to the fabric. Some traditional bronzing methods may use harmful chemicals that impact environmental health. Water-based or eco-friendly bronzing techniques are emerging as more sustainable alternatives, reducing the use of toxic substances.Waste Generation:The bronzing process may produce waste in the form of excess coatings or chemicals. Efforts to improve waste management and recycling within fabric finishing processes are essential for minimizing environmental impact. Fabric DurabilityLongevity and Reusability:Polyester is known for its durability, which contributes to the sustainability of products made from it, including upholstery fabrics. Long-lasting fabrics reduce the frequency of replacements, minimizing waste and resource consumption over time.Recyclability:Polyester fabric, including bronzing suede, can be recycled after its useful life. While recycling rates are improving, challenges remain in efficiently recycling composite fabrics, especially those with complex finishes like bronzing. Water and Energy Use in ManufacturingWater Consumption:The textile industry is notorious for its high water usage, especially in dyeing and finishing processes. To improve sustainability, textile manufacturers are adopting closed-loop water systems that reduce water waste and improve water quality.Energy Efficiency:Advanced manufacturing methods that focus on reducing energy use, such as optimizing heat management in production lines or using renewable energy sources, can make polyester production more sustainable. Additionally, energy-efficient machines used in the bronzing process can reduce the overall energy footprint. Waste ManagementWaste Reduction Practices:Sustainable manufacturers are focusing on reducing waste during the cutting, bronzing, and finishing stages by implementing lean manufacturing principles and zero-waste initiatives.Eco-friendly Packaging:Packaging plays a significant role in the overall sustainability of the product. Using recyclable or biodegradable materials for packaging helps reduce the environmental impact of the fabric’s supply chain. Eco-friendly Alternatives and InnovationsBiodegradable Polyester:Researchers are exploring the development of biodegradable polyester to address concerns over the long-term environmental impact of polyester, especially in terms of microplastic pollution. While still in the early stages, this could significantly improve the fabric’s overall sustainability profile.Sustainable Bronzing Methods:Innovations in eco-friendly bronzing methods are reducing the environmental impact. For example, some manufacturers are using heat-based bronzing techniques rather than chemical treatments, which can reduce the use of harmful substances. Certifications and StandardsSustainable Certifications:Look for Global Recycled Standard (GRS) or OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certifications, which ensure that the fabric is produced with environmental and social responsibility in mind. These certifications guarantee that the fabric has met specific sustainability criteria regarding chemical use, recycling content, and environmental impacts.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 23,12,2024

    How does the unique weaving technique used in chenille fabric contribute to the soft, plush texture of polyester sofa chenille fabric?

    The "Chenille" Weave StructureThe term "chenille" comes from the French word for "caterpillar" because of the fabric’s soft, fuzzy texture that resembles a caterpillar’s body. The chenille fabric is typically created using a special weaving technique that involves yarns being twisted into piles or tufts that stand up from the surface.The process involves weaving two base threads (also called core yarns) that are interwoven with shorter strands of fibers or piles. These pile fibers are then looped or cut to create the soft, textured feel. This structure creates a fabric with depth and dimension, which gives it a rich, tactile surface that feels plush to the touch. Pile Effect and SoftnessThe pile is the key to the softness and luxurious feel of chenille fabric. The pile fibers are shorter, tufted yarns that protrude from the base of the fabric, creating a velvety texture. When these pile fibers are cut or looped, they create a cushiony, plush surface that feels smooth and soft to the touch.In polyester chenille, the synthetic fibers are often spun in such a way that they maintain their softness while also providing durability and resistance to wear and tear. The pile creates a three-dimensional texture, and as the fibers catch the light, they reflect it in various ways, adding depth and richness to the appearance of the fabric. Thickness and VolumeChenille’s weaving process typically results in thicker, denser fabric compared to smooth-woven fabrics. The thickness and density of the fabric contribute to its plushness, making it feel full and soft.The ability to use polyester fibers in chenille construction allows the fabric to hold its shape and resist crushing, even with frequent use. Polyester’s strength and elasticity ensure that the pile maintains its volume and softness over time, making it especially suitable for high-traffic areas like sofas. Enhanced DurabilityThe way the pile is incorporated into the fabric makes chenille more resilient than some other plush fabrics. Despite its softness, the construction of the fabric helps it withstand frequent sitting, brushing, and general wear. The pile’s structure gives the fabric a “bounce back” quality, where the fibers return to their original shape after being compressed.The polyester fiber used in chenille fabrics is stronger and more durable than natural fibers like cotton, which allows polyester chenille to maintain its plush texture even under heavy use without excessive wear or flattening of the fibers. Richness in Color and TextureThe pile in chenille fabrics can be left looped or cut, and in polyester chenille, the loops are often trimmed to create a soft, consistent texture. The weave allows the fabric to reflect light in different ways, which can give it a slight sheen or a rich, velvety appearance. This feature enhances the tactile experience of polyester sofa chenille fabric, as the texture shifts and changes depending on the angle of the light.Polyester chenille also holds dye well, allowing the fabric to retain its vibrant colors without fading, contributing to its rich appearance. Comfort and InsulationThe plush texture of polyester chenille fabric helps to trap air between the fibers, adding an element of insulation. This helps keep the sofa warm and cozy, adding to the comfort of the fabric. The plushness also creates a more cushioned feel, which is perfect for creating a comfortable seating experience on sofas. Complexity and VersatilityThe weaving technique also allows for a wide range of textures and patterns to be incorporated into polyester chenille fabrics. The fabric can be made with different pile heights, twists, and combinations of yarns to create different tactile effects. Some chenille fabrics feature a more pronounced texture with longer fibers, while others have a smoother feel with shorter pile.The versatility of this technique makes polyester chenille ideal for creating various design styles, from subtle, understated textures to bold, tactile effects, contributing to both aesthetic appeal and comfort.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 18,12,2024

    What cleaning methods are recommended for maintaining the appearance of 100% polyester sofa bronzing suede fabric over time?

    To maintain the appearance and longevity of 100% polyester sofa bronzing suede fabric, it's important to use appropriate cleaning methods that preserve the fabric’s texture and sheen while removing dirt, stains, and oils. Here are some recommended cleaning methods: Regular Dusting and VacuumingVacuum Regularly: Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove dust, dirt, and debris from the fabric’s surface. Regular vacuuming helps prevent dirt from embedding into the fibers and reduces the likelihood of the fabric looking worn.Use a Lint Roller: A lint roller can be effective for picking up loose dirt, pet hair, or fibers that may accumulate on the fabric’s surface. Spot CleaningImmediate Action: For any spills or stains, clean the area immediately before the stain sets. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the spill, avoiding rubbing, which could push the liquid deeper into the fabric.Mild Soap Solution: If a stain persists, mix a small amount of mild dish soap or detergent with warm water. Dampen a soft cloth with the soapy water, blot the stained area gently, and then wipe with a clean, damp cloth to remove any soap residue. Avoid soaking the fabric.Stain Removers: For more stubborn stains (such as oils or food stains), consider using a fabric-safe stain remover. Always test a small inconspicuous area before applying any stain remover to ensure it doesn’t damage the bronzing finish. Cleaning with a Suede BrushSuede Brush: To maintain the texture of the suede-like finish, use a soft suede brush or a fabric brush with soft bristles. Gently brush the fabric to lift any fibers that may be matted or flattened. This can help restore the fabric’s soft, velvety appearance. Steam CleaningSteam Cleaning for Deep Cleaning: Periodically, you can use a steam cleaner to refresh the fabric. Steam cleaning helps remove dust, dirt, and odors without the use of harsh chemicals. Be sure to use the low-moisture setting to avoid oversaturating the fabric, which could damage the bronzing finish or affect the texture.Dry the Fabric: After steam cleaning, ensure the fabric dries properly. Avoid direct heat sources like a hairdryer, as this can damage the polyester fibers. Professional CleaningDry Cleaning: For more delicate or deeply ingrained stains, it’s advisable to take the fabric to a professional dry cleaner with experience in handling polyester suede fabrics. This ensures the fabric is cleaned effectively without risking damage.Upholstery Cleaning Services: Specialized upholstery cleaning services may also be helpful for deep, thorough cleaning without affecting the fabric’s finish or texture. 6. Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Abrasive ToolsAvoid Harsh Cleaning Agents: Never use bleach or strong chemical cleaners on polyester bronzing suede fabric, as these can damage the fabric and degrade the bronzed finish.No Abrasive Scrubbing: Avoid using abrasive scrubbers like sponges or brushes that may damage the fabric’s surface or cause pilling. Protection Against Sunlight and HeatLimit Sun Exposure: Direct sunlight can cause fading over time, even on polyester fabrics. To preserve the fabric's color and bronzing sheen, try to keep the sofa out of direct sunlight when possible.Avoid Heat Sources: Keep the fabric away from direct heat sources, such as radiators or space heaters, as this can cause the fabric to degrade and lose its texture. Fluffing and Restoring SoftnessUse a Fabric Softener: Occasionally, you can apply a fabric softener (designed for synthetic fabrics) to keep the polyester suede soft and plush. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for application.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 11,12,2024

    What makes 100% polyester sofa bronzing suede fabric resistant to stains and dirt compared to other fabric types?

    The resistance of 100% polyester sofa bronzing suede fabric to stains and dirt can be attributed to several key properties inherent to both polyester fibers and the bronzing process: 1. Synthetic Fiber PropertiesNon-Absorbent Nature: Polyester is a hydrophobic (water-repelling) material, meaning it does not readily absorb liquids. This makes it less likely to stain from spills, as liquids tend to bead up and remain on the surface rather than soaking into the fabric.Smooth Surface: The fibers of polyester are tightly woven and smooth, which prevents dirt, dust, and oils from penetrating the fabric easily. This smoothness creates a barrier that helps keep the fabric looking clean for longer. 2. Bronzing ProcessSurface Coating: The bronzing process involves applying a metallic or glossy finish to the fabric's surface, which creates a thin layer that helps repel dirt and stains. This layer makes it harder for contaminants like oil or grime to stick to the fabric, allowing for easier cleaning and maintenance.Increased Stain Resistance: The bronzed finish enhances the fabric’s resilience by reducing the surface's porosity, which means fewer opportunities for stains to settle in. This makes the fabric more resistant to marking and discoloration, especially from daily wear. 3. Durability of PolyesterResistant to Wear and Tear: Polyester fibers are known for their strength and durability, which makes them less likely to degrade or fray over time. As a result, the fabric maintains its smooth, stain-resistant surface, even after prolonged use.Quick-Drying Properties: Polyester dries quickly when exposed to moisture, which prevents liquids from lingering on the surface long enough to cause permanent stains. This makes it easier to wipe away spills before they have a chance to set. 4. Anti-static PropertiesReduced Dust Attraction: Polyester is less prone to static build-up, which means it attracts less dust and dirt compared to natural fibers like wool or cotton. This helps the fabric maintain a cleaner appearance for longer. 5. Easy Care and MaintenanceMachine Washable: Polyester fabrics, including those with a bronzing finish, are often easy to clean and maintain. The ability to wash polyester without damaging its texture or color adds to its stain resistance. Frequent cleaning can remove dirt and prevent it from embedding into the fabric.Resistant to Fading: Polyester is less susceptible to fading from exposure to sunlight, which helps maintain its clean, vibrant appearance over time, making it less prone to staining from environmental factors like UV exposure. 6. Oleophobic PropertiesResistant to Oils and Grease: Polyester is naturally more oleophobic (resistant to oils) compared to many other fibers. This characteristic makes it less likely to absorb oils from food, skin, or other sources, preventing greasy stains that can be harder to remove from other fabrics.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 03,12,2024

    What makes 100% polyester chenille fabric more resistant to fading compared to other upholstery fabrics?

    100% polyester chenille fabric is more resistant to fading compared to other upholstery fabrics primarily due to the inherent properties of polyester fibers. Here’s how: Colorfastness of Polyester: Polyester is a synthetic fiber known for its excellent color retention. Unlike natural fibers like cotton or linen, which can absorb and hold dye less effectively, polyester is engineered to resist the effects of light and washing. This makes it less prone to fading when exposed to sunlight or frequent use. Durability of Polyester Fibers: Polyester fibers are incredibly durable and have a higher resistance to the wear and tear that typically causes fading in other fabrics. Polyester is less susceptible to breaking down under UV light, which is one of the main causes of fading in natural fabrics. UV Resistance: Many polyester chenille fabrics are treated with UV inhibitors during manufacturing, which provide an additional layer of protection against the damaging effects of sunlight. This treatment helps to preserve the color integrity of the fabric over time, even in direct sunlight. Resilience to Abrasions: Polyester is resistant to abrasions and does not lose its color easily from friction or physical contact, which can cause other fabrics to fade more quickly. In high-traffic areas, polyester chenille maintains its vibrant appearance much longer than natural fibers. Low Moisture Absorption: Polyester fabric doesn't absorb moisture as easily as natural fibers, which means it is less prone to water-based fading or discoloration. The moisture resistance of polyester helps maintain its color even in humid environments or when exposed to spills. Manufacturing Process: Polyester chenille fabric is often dyed using high-quality, fade-resistant dyes, which contribute to its lasting vibrancy. Additionally, chenille's woven texture further enhances the fabric's ability to retain color since the fibers are locked in place, reducing the likelihood of dye loss. Together, these factors make 100% polyester chenille fabric a highly durable and colorfast option for upholstery, even in environments with lots of sunlight or frequent exposure to cleaning and wear.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 13,05,2024

    ¿Qué tan respetuosa con el medio ambiente es la tela del sofá de poliéster tratada con piel sintética?

    La protección medioambiental de las telas de poliéster para sofás tratadas con imitación de cuero requiere una consideración exhaustiva de múltiples factores. Como fibra sintética, el proceso de producción del poliéster tiene menos impacto en el medio ambiente que algunos materiales naturales (como el cuero). La producción de poliéster se basa principalmente en petroquímicos, lo que en sí mismo no es del todo respetuoso con el medio ambiente, pero el impacto medioambiental de la producción de poliéster es menor en comparación con las grandes cantidades de consumo de agua, procesamiento químico y alimentación animal que implica la producción de cuero. A menudo se considera más controlable. Algunos productos químicos, como agentes de recubrimiento, tintes y auxiliares, se pueden utilizar en el proceso de fabricación de telas para sofás de poliéster tratadas con imitación de cuero. Estos productos químicos, si no se tratan o controlan adecuadamente, pueden tener algún impacto en el medio ambiente y la salud humana. Por lo tanto, elegir revestimientos y tintes respetuosos con el medio ambiente y adoptar procesos de producción respetuosos con el medio ambiente son cruciales para mejorar la protección medioambiental de los tejidos de sofá de poliéster tratados con piel sintética. Una vez finalizada la vida útil de la tela de sofá de poliéster tratada con imitación de cuero, su reciclabilidad y degradabilidad también son consideraciones importantes para la protección del medio ambiente. Algunos fabricantes han comenzado a investigar cómo diseñar tejidos de poliéster para convertirlos en productos que sean más fáciles de reciclar y reutilizar para reducir los impactos ambientales negativos. En términos de protección ambiental, la protección ambiental de telas de poliéster para sofás El cuero tratado con imitación de cuero necesita considerar de manera integral factores como su proceso de producción, las sustancias químicas utilizadas, la reciclabilidad y la degradabilidad. Elegir telas para sofás de poliéster de imitación de cuero que estén certificadas ambientalmente y adopten procesos de producción amigables con el medio ambiente puede proteger mejor el medio ambiente y reducir el consumo de recursos.

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  • Zhejiang Royal Textile Technology Co., Ltd. 07,05,2024

    ¿Cuáles son los tratamientos superficiales comunes o las variaciones de textura de las telas de poliéster para sofás?

    Cuando nos adentramos en el mercado del mobiliario para el hogar y elegimos un sofá, la elección del tejido siempre es crucial. Entre ellos, tela de poliéster para sofá Es amado por los consumidores debido a su excelente rendimiento y apariencia diversa. Hoy aprenderemos sobre los tratamientos superficiales comunes y los cambios de textura de las telas de poliéster para sofás. Hablemos de tratamientos de impresión. A través de la tecnología de impresión, los diseñadores pueden imprimir varios patrones y colores exquisitos en telas de poliéster. Ya sean flores frescas, líneas abstractas o patrones retro, pueden agregar un encanto único al sofá. Este tipo de tratamiento no sólo es hermoso, sino que también puede mostrar la creatividad y personalidad del diseñador. Luego viene el proceso de estampado. El proceso de estampado consiste en utilizar una máquina o plantilla de estampado especial para grabar varios patrones, patrones o sensaciones cóncavas y convexas en la tela. Este método de tratamiento le da a la tela de poliéster una sensación tridimensional y en capas, haciendo que el sofá luzca más moderno y refinado. El tratamiento mate es un método de tratamiento que hace que la superficie de los tejidos de poliéster sea delicada y suave. La tela esmerilada del sofá se siente cómoda al tacto y brinda a las personas una sensación cálida y acogedora, lo que la hace muy adecuada para su uso en ambientes domésticos. El tratamiento jacquard consiste en tejer hilos de diferentes colores en tejidos de poliéster para formar patrones o patrones en relieve. Este tratamiento le da a la tela un efecto visual más rico y hace que el sofá luzca más elegante y hermoso. Además de los métodos de tratamiento anteriores, el tratamiento de imitación de cuero también es un tipo común de tejido de poliéster para sofás. A través de técnicas especiales de recubrimiento y procesamiento, las telas de poliéster pueden exhibir un tacto y un efecto visual similar al del cuero. Este método de tratamiento es adecuado para diseños de sofás que buscan una sensación de lujo y alta gama, agregando un toque de moda y elegancia al espacio del hogar. El tratamiento de elevación también es un método de tratamiento de superficie común en las telas de sofás de poliéster. La superficie de la tela del sofá elevado formará una capa de terciopelo fino, suave y cálido al tacto, brindando a las personas una sensación cómoda y acogedora. Este método de tratamiento es ideal para su uso en invierno o zonas frías para agregar calidez al ambiente del hogar. El tratamiento de revestimiento es un medio importante para mejorar las propiedades impermeables, antiincrustantes, resistentes al desgaste y otras propiedades de las telas de poliéster para sofás. Al recubrir una o más capas de materiales especiales en la superficie de la tela, la tela se puede proteger eficazmente contra manchas, manchas de agua y otras contaminaciones, al tiempo que se mejora la resistencia al desgaste y la durabilidad de la tela. Estos tratamientos no sólo enriquecen los elementos de diseño del sofá, sino que también brindan a los consumidores más opciones. Ya sea que prefiera un estilo simple y moderno o busque una sensación lujosa y de alta gama, puede encontrar una opción adecuada en telas de poliéster para sofás.

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